Narnia Comes to the Movies

Having grown up with the Chronicles of Narnia, I shuddered a bit when I learned that they were going to be produced as live-action films by Disney. The first rumors were that they were going to secularize it by sanitizing the overt Christian symbolism. Since it does not get any more overt than having a Lion portray Christ, I was left wondering just what would be left of the books. But, perhaps due to the success of The Passion, word came down that they were going to simply portray the books as they were; neither trying to maximize the Christian symbolism or minimize it. I think this is for the best; not only for the artistic intergrity of C.S. Lewis' literary masterpiece, but because the film should be a much greater commercial success if Christians are not alienated from the production.

I saw the trailer today for the first installment: The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe. Very impressive. Check it out.


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