The Vocabulary Statistics Fallacy
I'll be working my way back into the rotation here now that I've completed some obligations. For today, here's an archive item related to a bad argument I still see resurrected today. *** In terms of the authorship of the New Testament documents, an argument that is used in many contexts for the letters of Paul (but also Peter and others) makes much over alleged vocabulary differences that indicate a difference in author. In this entry, I’d like to generally discuss this sort of argument, which I consider to be of little to no use in determining the authorship of ancient documents. My first misgiving about such arguments is that statistically, they are generally without merit . This is often illustrated by modern comparative examples. In one instance, R. C. Sproul relates the following story in at least two of his books: One of the least scientific methods used to criticize authorship is the study of what is called the incidence of hapax legomena. The phr