Reason and the First Person -- sauces, ganders and geese
[Note: the contents page for this series can be found here. The previous entry, the first for chapter 18, can be found here. ] [This entry continues chapter 18, "Atheism and the Justification of Non-Justification Ability". It also continues the fictional dialogue started in chp 17.] (Picking up from the end of the previous part...) Reed (the theist): And this automatic, non-rational rearrangement toward better efficiency could happen to either of us. Chase (the atheist): ... Well... yes. In principle. R: Including the possibility that your "idea" (for want of a better word) about atheism might be rearranged to a "belief" (for want of a better word) in God. C: ...Maybe. I suppose I have to agree that's possible. But I'm confidently willing to take that chance. R: No, you aren't. C: Excuse me? R: No, I won't. We're just automatically reacting here, according to this new proposal of yours. You're not "willing to take that chanc