Interpreting Prophecy: A Time When it is Best to be a Monday Morning Quarterback

I wouldn't want to be a Cossack / headed for that Palestine Road / Thinking about what's written in the Word of God /About the things that he's foretold No, I wouldn't want to be there, down Jerusalem way No, I wouldn't want to be there, headed for my grave I wouldn't want to march with the comrades / when they enter Israel / Headed straight into the fiery wrath of God /And finding no escape from, well I wouldn't want to be there, down Jerusalem way No, I wouldn't want to be there, headed for my grave. ~ Love Song, “ The Cossack Song ” Back in the late 70s or early 80s, I played drums in a Christian rock band. While we had fun and played a few coffee houses and youth group gatherings, we didn’t come close to hitting the big time. One of the songs that we performed was “ The Cossack Song ” by Love Song – a song that played on the theory then in vogue that the army of the Soviet Union would invade Israel leading to the battle in ...