Raymond Brown (1928-1998) I am talking about Father Raymond Brown (1928-1998), not the G.K. Chesterton mystery detective but the priest Bible Scholar who wrote Death of the Messiah , [1] The mystery about Brown is how he could become the darling of those whose position he sought to destroy and the hated enemy of those whose position he sought to defend? B rown was a devout Catholic he loved Christ he believed in God he sought to strengthen the scholarship of the church he loved, but he has become hated of the evangelicals and conservative Catholics and hero and champion of the atheists. He suffered such a bizarre fate to succeed at the cost of being rejected by his brothers and being idolized by those whose theological position he abhorred. Yet I have seen this many times, When I first started in internet apologetic it was John Dominic Crossan who the atheists idolized and the Christians hated. I can't document it but I remember well arguing about it quite often. In fac