Carrier, Moreland and Morality, Part II
[This is the second part of a series on Richard Carrier's attempted rebuttal of J.P. Moreland's argument on Morality found in his book Scaling the Secular City . Carrier's original essay can be found here and the first part of this series can be found here .] So, what is it that Carrier does that refutes Moreland's argument? To begin with, he doesn’t claim that there is a firm philosophical foundation for morals in the atheistic world view. Instead, he pulls a form of tu quoque , i.e., he argues that while atheism doesn’t have a foundational basis, neither does Christianity. He does this by attaching onto a statement by Moreland concerning the basis for Christian theism's alleged superior philosophical foundation for acting morally, and tries to show that it is no better than atheism's views. Moreland’s Argument that Carrier Attacks In attacking Moreland’s view, Carrier picks one line out of a paragraph that sets forth in a rather concise way the Christian view