Bet you can't show me just one, miracle that is.
Skeppie challenges me to show him one miracle. Me: 65 officially validated at Lourdes Skepie: By the church. Sorry, I don't buy it. Show me a miracle that has been observed by someone who isn't under the influence. Now we begin the game of a thousand qualifications, he didn't want just one miracle; turns out he wants it to be perfect. Okay, let's start the haggling. But is there anyone out there who for a minute believes that he will ever be satisfied no matter how may qualifications I meet? But he's not question begging he's just assertive that because he's right no evidence can count against his position. Supernatural effects. What has been said so far implies that the supernatural is not a juxtaposed realm that has to break in upon the natural, but something that works within the natural to draw nature to a higher level, Ontologically, this is the “ground and end” of the natural. There might also be “supernatural effec