
Showing posts from 2013

From A Christian Humanist, To Those Who Worship Humanity's Light

So HúmanLíght has cóme and góne (or stíll perháps is hére), to célebráte "compássion, hópe, and reáson" fór the yeár. The chíldish mÿth and sélf-decéptive fíction hás been húrled, repláced by gládsome trúth of háppy fúture fór our wórld: a fúture buílt by peóple whó exíst as fleéting líghts, snuffed oút at lást and fínallÿ by dúmb amóral níght(s) -- peóple whó in trúth and fáct agaínst that chíldish mÿth are útterlÿ and ónly máde of... whát the héck is thís?! "Compássion, hópe and reáson?" Nó. They thréw that "mÿth" awáy. And yét still wánt to célebráte those thíngs on Chrístmas Dáy, forgétting theír own teáchings thát they wánt to teách at schoól: they woúld have dóne much bétter tó keep Ódin ín their Yúle! A troúblemáking wánderér, whose ónly sácrifíce reveáls a cóming tríumph óf brutálitÿ and íce all reáson ánd compássion, hópe and jóy destróyed at lást and nóthing úp abóve him knóws or cáres of jústice pást. To strúggle éven hó

Thoughts and Resources on Christmas

At Christmastime, people often begin to look into the facts and theology surrounding the birth of Jesus of Nazareth. The CADRE has several interesting blog posts about Christmas that are well worth reading. Some are oriented as apologetics tools while others are more reflective. Among them are: How Many Children in Bethlehem did Herod Kill?  The Meaning of the Manger Was Jesus Born in Nazareth or Bethlehem?           Part I – Introduction            Part II - Was Bethlehem Named for Theological Reasons?            Part III – Do Mark and John Imply a Birth in Nazareth?           Part IV – Jesus’ Birthplace in the Non-Canonical “Gospels”            Part V - What about Bethlehem of Galilee? Christmas, Charlie Brown and a time of receiving December 25 and the myth of the pagan Christmas Saturnalia: The precursor to Christmas? The Crucified God by Jürgen Moltmann: a Christmas Reflection When Was Jesus Born? -- Questions and Answers The Unexpect

What is HumanLight?

This morning, I received my favorite Yuletide publication – my email of the American Humanist News. It caught my attention because the title of the email was “The Secular Holiday Issue (Part  1).” In the email was the link to an article entitled “ How To Celebrate Humanlight, A December Holiday For Humanists. ”  Humanlight? What in the world is Humanlight? Well, according to the article, Humanlight is a new holiday (first celebrated in 2001) that may have been set for December 23 so that Humanists can have a holiday to celebrate around Christmas. Why do I say it "may have been set for December 23"? That's a long story. Here’s what the article says: HumanLight is a secular holiday on December 23rd. It’s designed to celebrate and express the positive, secular, human values of reason, compassion, humanity and hope. HumanLight illuminates a positive, secular vision of a happy, just and peaceful future for our world, a future which people can build by working toge

On Metacrock's blog today

Is God necessary for humans to love?

Are Atheists Their Brother's Keepers?

  A study supposedly shows that atheists are more motivated by compassion than are religious people. Atheists have used this in various ways to show that atheist can be moral, that religion doesn't produce compassion and so on. The study is "My Brother's Keeper: Compassion Predicts Generosity More Among Less Religious Individuals." [1] First published in Social Psychological and Personality Science, 00 (0) April (2012) 1-8. The authors were Laura R. Saslow and Bob Willer, et al. It was published on line before print and can found in a pdf: Abstract   Past research argues that religious commitments shape individuals’ prosocial sentiments, including their generosity and solidarity. But what drives the prosociality of less religious people? Three studies tested the hypothesis that, with fewer religious expec- tations of prosociali

Is Belief in God Magical Thinking?

On Huff post there is an article by Matthew Hutson, author of The Seven Laws of Magical Thinking . The article is called " All Paths Lead to Magical Thinking. " ( Posted: 09/19/2013 8:32 pm ). In recent years, psychologists have come to understand religion and paranormal belief as resulting, in most people, from simple errors in reasoning. You believe in God or astrology or a purpose in life because you apply ideas about people -- that they have thoughts and intentions -- to the natural world. Some display this tendency more than others, but it's there in everyone, even atheistic heathens like me. What has not been clarified is exactly how the various cognitive biases interact to produce specific ideas about the supernatural -- until now. He presents a tour de force in the form of a bunch of studies that supposedly prove that religious belief is magical thinking. "In the November 2013 issue of Cognition , Aiyana Willard and Ara Nore

What's Wrong with the Humanist Ten Commandments?

The last time I blogged , I mentioned the Humanist Ten Commandments (HTC) which have been proposed on the American Humanist Association (AHA) website by Christian Hagen, the communications assistant for the AHA. As I noted, the AHA through Mr. Hagen has proposed the HTC allegedly as an opening for discussions which "might bridge the gap" between evangelicals and nonbelievers over “universal values.” Of course, I don’t believe that many secularists would accept the idea that there is a commandment of any sort concerning morality or universal values. After all, the word "commandment" suggests the existence of someone giving the command which runs counter to their view that no universal lawgiver exists, i.e., God. Even Mr. Hagen’s article notes that when the idea of the HTC was initially floated by Lech Walesa, some secularists correctly questioned what would guide the decision as to what constitutes these universal values. Undeterred, Mr. Hagen suggests Thus

Is Passing Genes to the Next Generation a Good Basis for Morals or Values?

A couple of days ago, I received the Humanist newsletter. It links to an article on the American Humanist Association  website entitled “ The Humanist Ten Commandments ” by the inappropriately named Christian Hagen who is the communications assistant for the American Humanist Association.  Mr. Hagen (for I cannot call him “Christian”) has decided to propose a new set of commandments (complete with the use of the archaic “Thou Shalt” at the outset of most of the commandments to give them gravitas) to take the place of what he apparently views to be those poor, outdated Judeo-Christian commandments. Why? Well, according to the introduction to the article, At a summit of Nobel Peace award winners in Warsaw, Polish Nobel Peace laureate Lech Walesa called for a “secular Ten Commandments,” a guide for universal values that transcend religious beliefs. The response has been a heated debate among secularists about what could constitute such a guide. And while some have criticized the idea