Argument from Laws of Nature
(1) mind is the most efficient and dependable source of ordering we know, (2) Random ordering is usually inefficient and the odds are against its dependability (3) The Universe Displays a Law-like efficiency and dependability in the workings of it's natural machinations. (4) Such efficiency and dependability is indicative of mind as ordering principle (from 1,3), therefore, it is logical to assume mind as the best explanation for the dependability of the universe.. (5) A mind that orders the universe fits the major job description for God, Thus mind is the best explanation, assuming the choices are mind vs random chance. (6) Thus we have a rational warrant for belief that Go exists If you recall last time I posted a prolegomena to an argument from laws of nature. In other words, an argument for existence of God based upon laws of physics and nature. That article was just thinking getting ready to make such an argument, Here I am making it. I encourage the reader to go ba