Discussion Over Teaching ID in Public Schools on the Journal Editorial Report

From the Wall Street Journal:

Culture Clashes
Tune in this weekend for a discussion.

Friday, May 27, 2005 12:01 a.m. EDT

What does the Senate's judicial deal mean for President Bush's Supreme Court nominees? Plus a debate over whether "intelligent design" should be taught along with evolution in public schools.

The program is presented by Thirteen/WNET New York. The more than 300 public TV stations around the country set their program schedules individually, so to find out the day and time when "The Journal Editorial Report" will air near you, please check your local PBS listings or consult the PBS Web site.

If the Journal Editorial Report is not aired on your local PBS station (as it apparently is not aired on mine), it appears that you can see at least partial video clips and transcripts from the program on the PBS site above after the program is aired.


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