The Wright Brothers, Selena, Layla, Moses, and the Truth of the Old Testament

How many men do you know named Wilbur? Probably not many. But if you lived towards the beginning of last Century, you would have been much more likely to meet someone by that name because between 1880 and 1930, the name Wilbur was much more popular than today. In fact, according to , about 1000 babies out of every million born in 1919 was named Wilbur. While we cannot know for certain, the name was probably popularized by people wanting to commemorate the work done by Wilbur Wright – one of the Wright Brothers. The same holds true for the name Orville. While you can probably live your life without meeting anyone named Orville, the name was much more popular back at the turn of the last Century, peaking in popularity around 1910 when roughly 550 out of every million babies were named Orville. By the 1970s, both Orville and Wilbur had all but died out. Wilbur probably died out because the name became associated with the pig of the children’s book, Charlotte’s We...