Argument From Transcendental Signifiers
the Argument: 1. Any rational, coherent, and meaningful view of the universe must of necessity presuppose organizing principles (Ops) 2. OP's summed up in TS 3. Modern Thought rejects TS outright or takes out all aspects of mind. 4 . Therefore, Modern thought fails to provide a rational, coherent, and meaningful view of the universe. 5. minds organize and communicate meaning 6. Therefore universal mind, offers the best understanding of TS 7 . Concept of God unites TS with universal mind there fore offers best explanation for a view that is R ational, Coherent, and M eaningful (RCM). preleminary observations: Transcendental signifier/signified (TS): A theoretical construct, the signification mark (word) that refers to the top of the metaphysical hierarchy; the organizing principle that makes sense of all sense data and groups it into a meaningful and coherent whole, through which meaning can be understood...