The King of Stories -- Returns

Introductory note from Jason Pratt: see here for the previous entry; and see here for the first entry of the series. (It explains what I'm doing, and how, and contains the Johannine prologue.)

An earlier guest author for the Cadre, Anne A. Kim, aka "Weekend Fisher", has also compiled a slightly different, and slightly more traditional {g}, way of solving for the Resurrection ranges, so to speak, here.

Seeing as I certainly didn't need to do a harmonization study on Acts per se, except insofar as it relates to the end of the Gospel accounts (including Luke's), yet at the same time I had to find a way to ease out of telling the story, I have chosen to skip past a couple of things in early chapters of Acts. This includes reference to Judas' fate; though this can be accounted for easily enough if Peter and/or Luke is focusing on the nastiness of the result of a rope or branch snapping and Judas' body falling to the ground to be burst open. (By the legalities of the purchase, the field would technically belong to him as a donation to the Sanhedrin for burying strangers.)


Now the women, having returned from the tomb, reported all these things to the Eleven (surviving apostles) and to all the rest (of the disciples).

And they were (combining several lists):

Mary Magdalene

Joanna (wife of Chuza, steward of Herod)

Mary the mother of James (the Less?, an apostle) and of Joses (or Joseph) (possibly the same as Mary the mother of Jesus of Nazareth, two of whose sons were also named James and Joses--also Simon and Judas; although these were all very common names)

Mary the wife of Clopas (possibly the same as the previous Mary, and/or the mother of Jesus by remarriage)


and the mother of James and John (the Apostles) the sons of Zebedee (possibly the same as Salome.)

The other women with them were also telling these things to the apostles.

But these words seemed in their sight, as nonsense! ('oblivion-gush')

And the apostles would not believe them.


Now look!--two of them were going that very day to a village named Emmaus, which lay sixty stadia (about seven miles) from Jerusalem. And they talked with each other, concerning all these things which had occurred.

And it happened that while they were talking and disputing, Jesus Himself approached and started traveling with them!

But their eyes were being prevented from recognizing Him.

Now He said to them: "What are these words you are throwing back and forth with one another while you walk?"

And they stood still, looking sad. And one of them, named Cleopas, answered and said to Him: "Are you visiting Jerusalem alone, and unaware of what has happened in these days?!"

And He said to them, "What things?"

And they said to Him, "The things about Jesus the Nazarene, who was a prophet mighty in deed and word, in the sight of God and all the people!--and how the chiefs of the priests and our rulers delivered him up to the sentence of death, and crucified him!!

"And we were hoping that He was the one who was going to rescue Israel. Furthermore, it is the third day since these things are happening...

"Yet some women among us also amazed us!

[Note: possibly including the other disciple present for this conversation, who seems to have been heatedly discussing things with Cleopas--or 'Clopas'...!]

"When they were at the tomb early in the morning, and did not find his body, they came saying they had also seen a vision of angels, who said that he was living!

"And some of those who were with us went to the tomb and found it just exactly as the women themselves had said--but him they did not see."

Now He said to them: "O foolish men and thick (or 'sluggish') of heart to believe in all the prophets spoke! Was it not necessary for the Anointed King to suffer these things and to enter into His glory!?"

And beginning from Moses and all the Prophets, He explained to them the things concerning Himself in all the Scriptures.

Now they approached the village where they were going, and He acted as though He would go farther. But they urged Him, saying: "Stay with us, for the day is declining toward sundown." (i.e. first evening, just after noon; or possibly late afternoon) And He went in to stay with them.

And it happened that when He had reclined (to eat lunch or supper) with them, He took the bread and blessed, and breaking He is giving to them.

--and their eyes were opened and they recognized Him!

--but He vanished from them...

Now they said to each other, "Was our heart not burning within us while He was speaking to us on the road, while He was opening the scriptures to us??"

And they rose that very hour--evening on that day, the first of the week--and returned to Jerusalem, and found the Eleven gathered together behind locked doors for fear of the Jews; and those who were with them were saying, "The Lord has truly risen!--and has appeared to Simon!"

[Note: the appearance to Simon is not reported by any of the storytellers, though, including the Scholar himself who alone is obliquely mentioning it here; unless it was part of a missing portion of the Follower's account, which does at least explicitly foretell it. A spurious addition to the Scholar's account echoes Simon Peter's trip to the tomb as reported by the Evangelist, but makes no mention of an appearance.]

Now they began to tell the things on the road, and how He was recognized by them in the breaking of the bread.

--and while they were telling these things

He Himself stood in their midst!

--and they were startled, and frightened, and thought they were seeing a spirit!

But He is saying to them:

"Peace to you.

"Why are you troubled, and why do doubts arise in your heart?

"See My hands and My feet! It is I, Myself! Touch Me and see!--for a spirit does not have flesh and bones as you see that I have."

And when He had said this, He showed them both His hands and His side.

The disciples therefore rejoiced when they saw the Lord!

And while they still were disbelieving, but for joy, and were marveling, He said to them, "Have you anything here to eat?"

Now they gave Him a piece of broiled fish; and He took it and ate before them.

And He said to them again:

"Peace to you! (Or 'be calm', 'calm down!')

"These are My words which I spoke to you while I was still with you: all things which are written about Me in the Law of Moses and the Prophets and the Psalms, must be fulfilled."

Then He opened their mind to understand the scriptures; and He said to them:

"Thus it is written: and so, the Anointed King must be suffering and on the third day be rising from the dead.

"Now!--a willing change of heart for the sending away of sins must be proclaimed into all the nations, beginning in Jerusalem.

"And you shall be witnesses of these things: as the Father has sent Me with a mission, I am also sending you!

"Now look!--I am sending forward the promise of My Father upon you."

And saying this, He breathes; and is saying to them: "Now, you be based (literally 'seated') in the city of Jerusalem--until you should receive the Holy Spirit and be putting on power from Above!

"If you should send away the sins of anyone, they have been forgiven. If you should be holding onto anyone's, they are being held."

And He led them out as far as Bethany; and lifting up His hands, He blesses them. And it happened, as He blesses them, He put an interval between them.

And they returned to Jerusalem with great joy, and were continually in the Temple, praising and blessing God.


Now Thomas, one of the Twelve, nicknamed 'Didymus' (the Twin), was not with them when Jesus came.

So the other disciples said to him, "We have seen the Master!"

But he said to them, "Unless I see the print of the nails in his hands, and thrust my finger into the print of the nails--and thrust my hand into his side!--I absolutely will not believe."


Eight days later (possibly in Galilee, where they had been instructed to go, in the report given by the various women), His disciples were again indoors, and Thomas with them.

Jesus is coming!--the doors having been locked--and stood among them, and said, "Peace to you!"

Afterward He says to Thomas, "Bring your finger here and see My hands, and bring your hand and thrust into My side--and be no unbeliever, but be believing."

And Thomas answered and said to Him:

"The Lord of me and the God of me!"

Now Jesus is saying to him:

"Because you have seen Me, you have believed. Happy be those who do not see, yet believe!"

And Jesus certainly does many other signs, in the sight of His disciples, which (the Evangelist says) are not written in this scroll.

But these are written that you should be believing that Jesus is the Anointed King, the Son of God; and that, believing, you may be having God's own life, in His name!

(which is 'the Lord God saves'...)


After these things (adds the Evangelist, returning to his story after his comment--possibly some time after he wrote his story originally...) Jesus manifests Himself again to the disciples on the sea of Tiberias (i.e. Galilee Lake). And He manifests in this way:

Simon Peter and Thomas, nicknamed Didymus, were together; and Nathanael from Cana of Galilee, and the sons of Zebedee--and two others of His disciples.

Simon Peter is saying to them, "I am going fishing!"

They are saying to him, "We are coming, too, with you!"

So they went straight out, and stepped into the boat; but they net nothing in that night.

Now as the sun is already rising, Jesus stood on the beach. However, the disciples had not yet seen that it is Jesus.

So Jesus is saying to them, "Boys! Have you no food to eat with bread!?"

They answered Him, "No!"

Now He said to them, "Cast the net on the boat's right side, and you will be finding!"

So they cast--and no longer had the strength to draw it back, for the multitude of fishes!

That disciple whom Jesus loved, is saying then to Peter, "It is the Lord!"

So Simon Peter, hearing that it is the Lord, puts on his overcoat--for he was naked (explains the Evangelist)--and cast himself into the sea!

But the other disciples came in the other boat--for they were not far from land (explains the Evangelist) but about three hundred feet away ('two hundred cubits')--dragging the net of fishes.

So as they stepped off onto the land, they are seeing a charcoal fire has been laid, and food fish lying on it, and bread. Jesus is saying to them, "Bring from the food-fish you now net."

Simon Peter then came up, and draws the net onto the land, distended with a hundred and fifty-three large fishes. Yet, even with so many, the net is not torn!

Jesus is saying to them, "Come here! Eat!"

Now, not one of the disciples dared to the inquire of Him, "Who are you?", being aware that it is the Lord. So Jesus is coming and taking the bread and is giving to them, and the food-fish likewise.

And this is the third time Jesus was manifested to the disciples (as a group), being raised from the dead.

So as they eat, Jesus is saying to Simon Peter:

"Simon of John--are you loving Me more than these?"

He is saying to Him, "Yes, Master, you know I am fond of you!"

He is saying to him: "Graze My little lambs."

He is saying to him again, a second time:

"Simon of John--are you loving Me?"

He is saying to Him, "Yes, Master--you know I am fond of you!"

He is saying to him: "Shepherd My sheep."

He is saying to him the third time:

"Simon of John--are you fond of Me?"

Peter was grieving that He said to him the third time 'Are you fond of Me?'; and he is saying to Him, "Master, you know all things--you know that I am fond of you!!"

And Jesus is saying to him: "Graze My little sheep.

"I promise, I promise, I tell you the truth:

"when you were younger you dressed yourself and walked wherever you chose;

"but whenever you may be growing old, you will stretch out your hands--and another shall dress you and carry you where you would not choose to go."

Now He said this (explains the Evangelist), to signify by what death he will be glorifying God.

[Note: according to ancient Christian tradition, Peter was executed in Rome, during the Neronian persecution, by crucifixion--although upside down, at his request, for he did not consider himself to be worthy to die as Jesus had.]

And saying this, He is saying to him: "Follow Me!"

Now Peter, being turned around, is seeing the disciple whom Jesus loved, following--who also leaned back on His chest at the dinner and said to Him, "Master, who is it giving you up?"

So Peter, seeing this one, is saying to Jesus, "Master, but what of this one?!"

Jesus is saying to him: "If I should want him to be remaining until I am coming--what is that to you!? You be following Me!!"

So this word went out into the brethren (explains the Evangelist), that that disciple is never dying!

But, Jesus did not say to him that he is never dying, but: "If I should want him to be remaining until I am coming--what is that to you?"

This (adds someone else, to the work of the Evangelist?) is the disciple who also testifies concerning all this, and who writes these things. And we are aware that his testimony is true.

Now (finishes the Evangelist) there are many other things Jesus also does, which if they should be written one by one, I suppose not even the world itself would contain the written scrolls!!


Now the eleven disciples went into Galilee (reports the Disciple, finishing his account), to the mountain where Jesus arranges with them.

And seeing Him, they bow to Him--yet they hesitate.

But coming up, Jesus speaks to them, saying:

"All authority in heaven and on the earth was given to Me. So, be going! Disciple all the nations, baptizing them into the name

"of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit

"teaching them to be keeping all of whatever I command you.

"And look! I am with you all the days,

"until the conclusion of the age!"


I made the first account indeed, O Theophilus (says the Scholar, beginning another scroll--and another work...), concerning all that Jesus taught and did, until the day on which He was raised up; directing the apostles whom He chooses through the Holy Spirit, to whom He also presents Himself alive, with many convincing proofs, after His suffering, appearing to them during forty days and telling them things concerning the kingdom of God.

Now as He gathers together with them, He commands them not to be departing (again?) from Jerusalem, but to be remaining in the area for the promise of the Father, "--which (He said) you hear from Me; for John indeed baptizes in water, but you shall be baptized with Holy Spirit not many days from now."

So these who indeed are coming together, asked Him, saying, "Master, are you restoring the kingdom to Israel at this time?"

He said to them:

"It is not for you to know the times or eras which the Father has fixed by His own authority.

"But you shall be obtaining power, at the coming of the Holy Spirit on you.

"And you shall be My witnesses, both in Jerusalem and Samaria and all of Judea--

"as far as the limits of the land!!"

And saying these things, He was lifted up, as they watch, and a cloud took Him up from their eyes...

Now as they were staring intently into the heaven, at His going--look! two men stand beside them in white attire, who also are telling them:

"Men! Galileans! Why do you stand looking at the heaven!!?

"This Jesus, who is being taken up from you into the heaven, shall be coming back exactly as you saw Him going into heaven while you watched!"

So they return into Jerusalem from a mount called Olivet, which is near Jerusalem a sabbath's journey.

[Note: a colloquial way of saying either a very easy journey, as to Bethany; or else a week's journey. If it means the latter, then they were in Galilee--a region far more known for making olive oil, and which would easily have any number of hills named Olivet! If it means the former, then they would be back from Galilee already; although, alone of all the witnesses, the Scholar never says they ever even intended to leave the region of Jerusalem.]


And when the day of Pentecost was being finished (says the Scholar, not much later), they were all together in one place (having chosen Matthias to be the new apostle after Judas the betrayer died--and continually devoting themselves to prayer, along with certain women including Mary the mother of Jesus, and with His brothers).

Now suddenly there came from heaven a noise--like violent rushing wind!--and it filled up all the house where they were sitting!

And it seemed to them that tongues of fire were being distributed on themselves; it sat on every one of them!

And they all were filled with the Holy Spirit, and began to speak with other tongues, as the Spirit was giving them the ability!

Now there were Jews abiding in Jerusalem, devoted men from every nation under heaven. And when this sound occurred, a crowd came up together in much confusion--because each one was hearing them (the witnesses) speaking in a dialect!

And they were amazed, and marveled, saying, "See here!--are all these speaking not Galileans?? Now how is it that we each hear them in our home languages?! Parthians and Medes, and Elamites, and residents of Mesopotamia, Judea and Cappadocia, Pontus and Aisa (minor), Phrygia and Pamphylia, Egypt and the Libyan districts around Cyrene, and sojourning Romans, both Jews and Gentile converts, Cretans and Arabs--we hear them speaking in our languages about the mighty deeds of God!!"

And they all continued in amazement and great perplexity, saying to one another, "What does this mean?!?"

Yet others were mocking and saying, "They are full of new wine!"

But Peter, being put forward by the eleven, raised his voice and declared to them:

"Men of Judea, and all you who live in Jerusalem--let this be known to you, and pay attention to what I am saying; for these people are not drunk, as you suppose: it is only the third hour after sunrise! (9 am)

"Men of Israel (he continues, after relating a prophecy from the scroll of Joel), listen to these words:

"Jesus the Nazarene, a man proven to you by God with works of power and wonders and attesting signs--which God performed through him among you, just as you yourselves are aware--

"this man, delivered up by the predetermined plan and foreknowledge of God, whom you nailed to a cross by the hands of pagan men, and put to death--

"God raised him up again, putting an end to the birth-pains of death, since it was impossible for him to be held in its power!

"For David says of him:

'I was always beholding the Lord in My sight,
for He is at My right hand, that I may not be forsaken.
Therefore My heart was glad, and My tongue rejoiced!

Beyond all this, My flesh will also abide in hope;
because You will not abandon My soul into the Unseen,
nor let Your Chosen One see corruption!

You make known to Me the ways of life!
You will make Me full of gladness, with Your presence!'

"Men! Brothers! (Peter said) I may tell you confidently: the patriarch David both died and was buried, and his tomb remains with us today!!

"But because he was a prophet, and knew that God had sworn an oath to him to seat upon His throne one of his sons, he looked ahead and spoke of the resurrection of the Anointed King, that he was neither 'abandoned to the unseen' nor did his flesh 'see corruption'!

"God raised up this Jesus again, to which we all are witnesses!

"Therefore, having been raised up by the right hand of God, and having received from the Father the promise of the Holy Spirit, He has poured forth this you are seeing and hearing!

"For it was not David who ascended into the heavens; but David himself says (referring to the two most prominent names of God in the Jewish Scriptures):

'The Lord (YHWH) said to my Lord (Adonai),
"Sit at My right hand,
until I make Your enemies
a footstool for Your feet!"'

"So let all the house of Israel know for certain:

"God has made Him both Lord and the Anointed King!--

"--this Jesus, Whom you crucified...!"

And they were struck to the heart...


(And the story continues on, even today

through other storytellers

until the King of Stories

does return)

Matthew 28:16-20(f)
Luke 24:9-53(f)
John 20:19-31(f)
John 21:1-25(f)
Acts 1:1-14
Acts 2:1-15
Acts 2:22-36


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