The Scientific Nature of Physicalism:Turtles All the Way Down

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I first heard the anecdote about turtles when it starred Wittgenstein. In some class he taught, supposedly, they were referring to the Indian cosmogany in which the earth sits on the back of an elephant and the elephant is on the back of a great turtle. A student asked "what does the turtle sit on?" Supposedly Wittgenstein said "from there on it's turtles all the way down." There is no real proof that Wittgenstein ever said that. Googling the phrase, it is associated with him without proving who said it. Moreover, no one knows what it means. I've seen about six interpretations. It's always associated with the sort of flippant remark a skeptic might make about religious answers. Here I use it as a metaphor for the arrogance of scientism to think that scientific exactitude and certainty rules out the possibility of other realms and forms of truth that science can't seek.

One of the most solid things in modern science is the Greek concept of the atom, and Greek atomism  stands as atheistic symbol and as the basis of scientific thought. The reason atheists use an atomic symbol for their own is becuase they harken back to Greek atomistic view as a replacement for belief in deity. Science shows us all, we know the basic building blocks of reality, sub atomic particles, and thus we know there's no need for a God, yada yada yada. When we examine those bulwarks of modern thought we see that they are shaky and as uncertain as the one about the turtles. This is especially apt for sub atomic particles; science has never found a basic particle, it seems there is always a smaller one, it's particles all the way down.

The Issue of Transcendence

            Are there realms beyond our knowing, is this possible? If so, is there any possibility of our investigating them? Scientists have usually tended to assume that metaphysical assumptions about realms beyond are just out of the domain of science and can’t be investigated so they don’t bother to comment. Victor Stenger, however, wants to be able to assert that he’s disproved them so he argues that the magisteria do overlap. “There exists a widespread notion, promulgated at the higher levels of the scientific community itself, that science has nothing to say about God or the supernatural…”[1] He sights the national academy of sciences and their position that these are non overlapping magisteria, “science is a way of knowing about the natural world. It is limited to explaining the natural world. Science can say nothing about the supernatural. Weather God exists or not is a question about which science is neutral.”[2] Stenger disagrees. He argues that they can study the effects of prayer so that means they can eliminate the supernatural.
            Two things are wrong with Stenger’s approach. First, he doesn’t use Lourdes or any other empirical record of miracles. He’s going entirely by double blind studies which can’t control for prayer from outside the control group; that makes such studies virtually worthless. So in effect Stenger is taking the work of people who try to empirically measure what is beyond the empirical, then when it doesn’t work he says “see, there’s nothing beyond the empirical.” That proves nothing more than the fact that we can’t measure that which is beyond measuring. Secondly, he doesn’t deal with the real religious experience studies or the M scale. That means he’s not really dealing with the empirical effects of supernature. I deal with the M scale at length in my book The Trace of God.  I’ve just demonstrated good reason to think that supernature Is working in nature. It’s not an alien realm outside the natural, it’s not a miracle it’s not something that sets its self apart form the daily regular workings of the world. Supernature is of God but nature is of God. God made nature and he works in nature. We can tell the two apart by the results. Now I am going to deal with the other two issues, are there realms beyond the natural? Are there evidences of a form of supernatural in the world that stand apart from the natural such that we can call them “miracles?”
            Are there realms beyond the natural? Of course there can be no direct evidence, even a direct look at them would stand apart from our received version of reality and thus be suspect. The plaintive cry of the materialists that “there is no evidence for the supernatural” is fallacious to the core. How can there be evidence when any evidence that might be would automatically be suspect? Moreover, science itself gives us reason to think there might be. Quantum physics is about unseen realms, but they are the world of the extremely tiny. This is the fundamental basis of reality, what’s beneath or behind everything. They talk about “particles” but in reality they are not particles. They are not bits of stuff. They are not solid matter.[3] Treating particles as points is also problematic. This is where string theory comes in.

This is where string theory comes in. In string theory fundamental particles aren't treated as zero-dimensional points. Instead they are one-dimensional vibrating strings or loops. The maths is hair-raising, and the direct evidence non-existent, but it does provide a way out of the current theoretical cul-de-sac. It even provides a route to unifying gravity with the other three fundamental forces - a problem which has baffled the best brains for decades. The problem is, you need to invoke extra dimensions to make the equations work in string-theory and its variants: 10 spacetime dimensions to be precise. Or 11 (M-theory). Or maybe 26. In any case, loads more dimensions than 4.
So where are they then? One idea is that they are right under our noses, but compacted to the quantum scale so that they are imperceptible. "Hang on a minute", you might think,"How can you ever prove the existence of something that, by definition, is impossible to perceive?" It's a fair point, and there are scientists who criticize string theory for its weak predictive power and testability. Leaving that to one side, how can you conceptualize extra dimensions?[4]

There is no direct evidence of these unseen realms and they may be unprovable. Why are they assumed with such confidence and yet reductionists make the opposite assumption about spiritual realms? It’s not because the quantum universe realms are tangle or solid or material they are not. Scientists can’t really describe what they are, except that they are mathematical.  In fact why can’t they be the same realms?
            Then there’s the concept of the multiverse. This is not subatomic in size but beyond our space/time continuum. These would be other universes perhaps like our own, certainly the size of our own, but beyond our realm of space/time. Some scientists accept the idea that the same rules would apply in all of these universes, but some don’t.

Beyond it [our cosmic visual horizon—42 billion light years] could be many—even infinitely many—domains much like the one we see. Each has a different initial distribution of matter, but the same laws of physics operate in all. Nearly all cosmologists today (including me) accept this type of multiverse, which Max Tegmark calls “level 1.” Yet some go further. They suggest completely different kinds of universes, with different physics, different histories, maybe different numbers of spatial dimensions. Most will be sterile, although some will be teeming with life. A chief proponent of this “level 2” multiverse is Alexander Vilenkin, who paints a dramatic picture of an infinite set of universes with an infinite number of galaxies, an infinite number of planets and an infinite number of people with your name who are reading this article.[5]

Well there are two important things to note here. First, that neither string theory nor multiverse may ever be proved empirically. There’s a professor at Columbia named Peter Woit who writes the blog “Not Even Wrong” dedicated to showing that string theory can’t be proved.[6] There is no proof for it or against it. It can’t be disproved so it can’t be proved either.[7] That means the idea will be around for a long time because without disproving it they can’t get rid of it. Yet without any means of disproving it, it can’t be deemed a scientific fact. Remember it’s not about proving things it’s about disproving them. Yet science is willing to consider their possibility and takes them quite seriously. There is no empirical evidence of these things. They posit the dimensions purely as a mathematical solution so the equations work not because they have any real evidence.[8]
            We could make the argument that we have several possibilities for other worlds and those possibilities suggest more: we have the idea of being “outside time.” There’s no proof that this is place one can actually go to, but the idea of suggests the possibility, there’s the world of anti-matter, there are worlds in string membranes, and there are other dimensions tucked away and folded into our own. In terms of the multiverse scientists might argue that they conceive of these as “naturalistic.” They would be like our world with physical laws and hard material substances and physical things. As we have seen there are those who go further and postulate the “rules change” idea. We probably should assume the rules work the same way because its all we know. We do assume this in making God arguments such as the cosmological argument. Yet the possibility exists that there could be other realms that are not physical and not “natural” as we know that concept. The probability of that increases when we realize that these realms are beyond our space/time thus they are beyond the domain of our cause and effect, and we know as “natural.” It really all goes back to the philosophical and ideological assumption about rules. There is no way to prove it either way. Ruling out the possibility of a spiritual realm based upon the fact that we don’t live in it would be stupid. The idea that “we never see any proof of it” is basically the same thing as saying “we don’t live it so it must not exist.” Of course this field is going to be suspect, and who can blame the critics? Anyone with a penchant for the unknown can set up shop and speculate about what might be “out there.” Yet science itself offers the possibility in the form of modern physics, the only rationale for closing that off is the distaste for religion.

All that is solid melts into air

            This line by Marx deals with society, social and political institutions, but in thinking about the topic of SN it suggests a very different issue. The reductionst/materialists and phsyicalists assume and often argue that there is no proof of anything not material and not ‘physical” (energy is a form of matter). We see this in the quotes at the beginning of the chapter. The hard tangible nature of the physical is taken as the standard for reality while the notion of something beyond our ability to dietetic is seen in a skeptical way, even though the major developments in physics are based upon it. Is the physical world as tangible and solid as we think? Science talks about “particles” and constructs models of atoms made of wooden tubes and little balls this gives us the psychological impression that the world of the very tiny is based upon little solid balls. In reality subatomic particles are not made out of little balls, nor are these ‘particles” tangible or solid. In fact we could make a strong argument that no one even knows what they are made of.

We keep talking about "particles", but this word doesn't adequately sum up the type of matter that particle physicists deal with. In physics, particles aren't usually tiny bits of stuff. When you start talking about fundamental particles like quarks that have a volume of zero, or virtual particles that have no volume and pop in and out of existence just like that, it is stretching the everyday meaning of the word "particle" a bit far. Thinking about particles as points sooner or later leads the equations up a blind alley. Understanding what is happening at the smallest scale of matter needs a new vocabulary, new maths, and very possibly new dimensions.
This is where string theory comes in. In string theory fundamental particles aren't treated as zero-dimensional points. Instead they are one-dimensional vibrating strings or loops. The maths is hair-raising, and the direct evidence non-existent, but it does provide a way out of the current theoretical cul-de-sac. It even provides a route to unifying gravity with the other three fundamental forces - a problem which has baffled the best brains for decades. The problem is, you need to invoke extra dimensions to make the equations work in string-theory and its variants: 10 spacetime dimensions to be precise. Or 11 (M-theory). Or maybe 26. In any case, loads more dimensions than 4.[9]

Particles are not solid; they are not very tiny chunks of solid stuff. They have no volume nor do they have the kind of stable existence we do. They “pop” in and out of existence! This is not proof for the supernatural. It might imply that the seeming solidity of “reality” is illusory. There are two kinds of subatomic particles, elementary and composite. Composite are made out of smaller particles. Now we hear it said that elementary particles are not made out of other particles. It’s substructure is unknown. They may or may not be made of smaller particles. That means we really don’t know what subatomic particles are made of. That means scientists are willing to believe in things they don’t understand.[10] While it is not definite enough to prove anything except that we don’t know the basis of reality, it does prove that and also the possibilities for the ultimate truth of this are still wide open. To rule out “the supernatural” (by the wrong concept) on the assumption that we have no scientific proof of it is utterly arrogance and bombast. For all we know what we take to be solid unshakable reality might be nothing more than God’s day dream. Granted, there is end to the spinning of moon beams and we can talk all day about what ‘might be,’ so we need evidence and arguments to warrant the placing of confidence in propositions. We have confidence placing evidence; it doesn’t have to be scientific although some of it is. That will come in the next chapter. The point here is that there is no basis for the snide dismissal of concepts such as supernatural and supernature.

[1] Victor Stenger, God and The Folly of FaithThe Incompatibility of Science and Religion. Amherst: New
York: Prometheus Books, 2012. 225.
[2] Stenger, ibid, quoting National Academy of Sciences, Teaching about Evolution and the Nature of Science. Washington DC: National Academies Press, 1998, 58.
[3] STFC “are there other dimensions,” Large Hadron Collider. Website. Scinece and Facilities Council, 2012 URL:
[4] ibid
[5] George F.R. Ellis. “Does the Miltiverse Reallly Exist [preview]” Scientific American (July 19, 2011) On line versoin URL:
George F.R. Ellis is Proffessor Emeritus in Mathematics at University of Cape Town. He’s been proessor of Cosmic Physics at SISSA (Trieste)
[6] Peter Woit, Not Even Wrong, Posted on  by woi  blog, URL: 
[7] ibid, “Welcome to the Multiverse,” Posted on  by woit
[8] Mohsen Kermanshahi. Universal Theory. “Sring Theory.”    Website URL:
[9] STFC ibid, op cit.
[10] Sylvie Braibant; Giorgio Giacomelli; Maurizio Spurio Particles and Fundamental Interactions: An Introduction to Particle Physics (2nd ed.).  ItalySpringer-Verlag, science and Business media, 2009, pp. 1–3. 


Anonymous said…
Joe: Science shows us all, we know the basic building blocks of reality, sub atomic particles, and thus we know there's no need for a God, yada yada yada. When we examine those bulwarks of modern thought we see that they are shaky and as uncertain as the one about the turtles. ...

The reality is that science readily admits to being tentative, it readily admits it may be wrong, that some ideas are speculative, that occasionally a claim will be discarded or refined as new data and new ideas appear. Indeed, this is one of the big strenmgths of science; it can change its collective mind when the need arises.

In fact it is religion that sets its self up as absolute fact, and yet when we examine those bulwarks of religious thought we see that they are shaky and as uncertain as the one about the turtles.

I would put this down to foolishness on your part, but later you say "Well there are two important things to note here. First, that neither string theory nor multiverse may ever be proved empirically." It turns out you are perfectly well aware that science is not presented as something set in stone. It just suits your agenda to pretend it is.

Joe: ... This is especially apt for sub atomic particles; science has never found a basic particle, it seems there is always a smaller one, it's particles all the way down.

That is not what current mainstream science says; it says there are basic particles, and we know what most of them are.

Joe: That means the idea will be around for a long time because without disproving it they can’t get rid of it. Yet without any means of disproving it, it can’t be deemed a scientific fact. Remember it’s not about proving things it’s about disproving them. Yet science is willing to consider their possibility and takes them quite seriously.

Science certainly is willing to consider the possibility... But not to accept it as true. Do you see the difference?

You were railing against what you call the "bulwarks of modern thought", and yet here is an example of something that is: (1) speculation; and (2) science is quite clear that it is speculation.

Joe: The reductionst/materialists and phsyicalists assume and often argue that there is no proof of anything not material and not ‘physical” (energy is a form of matter).

Interesting that you lump all those people together. Who are these people? How many reject the existence of magnetic fields?

How many reject consciousness? Sure, a few do, but that is very much a minority position in science.

As an example, here is Sam Harris, one of the foremost figure in the New Atheism movement, making it clear he believes in consciousness:

Joe: The point here is that there is no basis for the snide dismissal of concepts such as supernatural and supernature.

Where this all falls down is the failure of theists to do the legwork, and actually find evidence to support the existence of the supernatural. For example, if the soul/spirit exists, then it routinely interacts with the natural world... And yet no one has ever detected it. I suspect on some level theists know this, and so no one is even trying to detect it.

Anonymous said...
Joe: Science shows us all, we know the basic building blocks of reality, sub atomic particles, and thus we know there's no need for a God, yada yada yada. When we examine those bulwarks of modern thought we see that they are shaky and as uncertain as the one about the turtles. ...

Pix:The reality is that science readily admits to being tentative, it readily admits it may be wrong, that some ideas are speculative, that occasionally a claim will be discarded or refined as new data and new ideas appear. Indeed, this is one of the big strenmgths of science; it can change its collective mind when the need arises.

this is not science vs religion. Science says nothing about belief in God this is about the ideology that follows science, the scientistic view.

Pix:In fact it is religion that sets its self up as absolute fact, and yet when we examine those bulwarks of religious thought we see that they are shaky and as uncertain as the one about the turtles.

no we dot. your use of the term "fact"is problematic. There is a distinction between fact and Truth. Religion does not claim to be fact it claims to be truth. Fact is something which could be proven objectively and to which all must give assent. Truth is multi-facited and some aspects must be sought and found on an individual personal growth basis

Pix:I would put this down to foolishness on your part, but later you say "Well there are two important things to note here. First, that neither string theory nor multiverse may ever be proved empirically." It turns out you are perfectly well aware that science is not presented as something set in stone. It just suits your agenda to pretend it is.

That a misrepresentation of my point. Again we are not comparing since to religion.We are dealing with the use atheist ideology has made of science.

Joe: ... This is especially apt for sub atomic particles; science has never found a basic particle, it seems there is always a smaller one, it's particles all the way down.

That is not what current mainstream science says; it says there are basic particles, and we know what most of them are.

sure or now.

Joe: That means the idea will be around for a long time because without disproving it they can’t get rid of it. Yet without any means of disproving it, it can’t be deemed a scientific fact. Remember it’s not about proving things it’s about disproving them. Yet science is willing to consider their possibility and takes them quite seriously.

Science certainly is willing to consider the possibility... But not to accept it as true. Do you see the difference?

Remember point about truth?

You were railing against what you call the "bulwarks of modern thought", and yet here is an example of something that is: (1) speculation; and (2) science is quite clear that it is speculation.

That turn of phrase was sarcasm toward those who think atheism = science ad religion = anti science.

Joe: The reductionst/materialists and phsyicalists assume and often argue that there is no proof of anything not material and not ‘physical” (energy is a form of matter).

Pix:Interesting that you lump all those people together. Who are these people? How many reject the existence of magnetic fields?

I think most such people would say thatmannetid fields are matter

Pix:How many reject consciousness? Sure, a few do, but that is very much a minority position in science.

Many do, at lesat on net

As an example, here is Sam Harris, one of the foremost figure in the New Atheism movement, making it clear he believes in consciousness:

He may have changed his view but if he's still in the same vain he doesn't really. he a reductionist

Joe: The point here is that there is no basis for the snide dismissal of concepts such as supernatural and supernature.

Where this all falls down is the failure of theists to do the legwork, and actually find evidence to support the existence of the supernatural.

You have never come close to undermining the basis for the studies on mystical experience, That is the basis of supernatural. Materialists changed the meaning of the term to something they could beat up on then declaiared victory.

For example, if the soul/spirit exists, then it routinely interacts with the natural world... And yet no one has ever detected it. I suspect on some level theists know this, and so no one is even trying to detect it.

We detect interaction between consciousnesses and the natural world all the tie.
Anonymous said…
Joe: this is not science vs religion. Science says nothing about belief in God this is about the ideology that follows science, the scientistic view.

You set this up as science vs religion when you said: "Science shows us all, we know the basic building blocks of reality, sub atomic particles, and thus we know there's no need for a God, yada yada yada.".Now you say "Science says nothing about belief in God".

Make your mind up Joe.

Joe: no we dot. your use of the term "fact"is problematic. There is a distinction between fact and Truth. Religion does not claim to be fact it claims to be truth. Fact is something which could be proven objectively and to which all must give assent. Truth is multi-facited and some aspects must be sought and found on an individual personal growth basis

Wow, that is some semantic gymnastics you are engaged in. So it is not a fact that God resurrected Jesus, but it is the Truth that he did? Is that your position?

I appreciate the words are not synonyms, but really...

Okay, so how about this:

Religion that sets its self up as absolute Truth, and yet when we examine those bulwarks of religious thought we see that they are shaky and as uncertain as the one about the turtles.

Joe: That a misrepresentation of my point. Again we are not comparing since to religion.We are dealing with the use atheist ideology has made of science.

No, we are dealing with your straw man version of what atheist ideology has made of science. How come you never quote these atheists saying science is never wrong? Where are the atheists who say nothing in science is uncertain?

sure or now.

What is your point? A moment ago you were complaining science is presented as something certain and unshakeable. Now you are complaining that science is quite the reverse, and in fact is open to change when the need arises!

Make your mind up Joe.

Joe: Remember point about truth?

Of course! You assume your beliefs are "the Truth", and believe that absolutely.

Science sees the truth as something it is working towards.

Joe: That turn of phrase was sarcasm toward those who think atheism = science ad religion = anti science.

I understood "bulwarks of modern thought" to mean that you think science is presented as being absolute truth, and that you disagree with that. Perhaps you could clarify if I am wrong.

Joe: I think most such people would say thatmannetid fields are matter

I would hope not! Certainly no scientist would make that mistake. Matter occupies physical space and has rest mass. Magnetic fields do not.

Joe: Many do, at lesat on net

Oh, right. Many random people on the internet. I guess these are the same people who think magnetic fields are matter.

Perhaps I should judge Christianity by the creationists who post on CARM...

Joe: He may have changed his view but if he's still in the same vain he doesn't really. he a reductionist

It did not sound like he is a reductionist from the article. But I guess you have made up your mind, so why let a little thing like evidence bother you. Just like those creationists on CARM...

Joe: You have never come close to undermining the basis for the studies on mystical experience, That is the basis of supernatural. Materialists changed the meaning of the term to something they could beat up on then declaiared victory.

And you have never come close to publishing your claims on mystical experiences. Why is that?

You cannot claim such studies are rejected out of hand, because we both know Hood published on that subject in the peer-reviewed literature.

Joe: We detect interaction between consciousnesses and the natural world all the tie.

But not the soul/spirit. Not with anything that we might suppose survives after death.

Anonymous said...
Joe: this is not science vs religion. Science says nothing about belief in God this is about the ideology that follows science, the scientistic view.

You set this up as science vs religion when you said: "Science shows us all, we know the basic building blocks of reality, sub atomic particles, and thus we know there's no need for a God, yada yada yada.".Now you say "Science says nothing about belief in God".

that's the way atheists use science

Make your mind up Joe.

I just clarified.

Joe: no we don't. your use of the term "fact"is problematic. There is a distinction between fact and Truth. Religion does not claim to be fact it claims to be truth. Fact is something which could be proven objectively and to which all must give assent. Truth is multi-facited and some aspects must be sought and found on an individual personal growth basis

Wow, that is some semantic gymnastics you are engaged in. So it is not a fact that God resurrected Jesus, but it is the Truth that he did? Is that your position?

It's called epistemology. Take a philosophy class.

I appreciate the words are not synonyms, but really...

Okay, so how about this:

Religion that sets its self up as absolute Truth, and yet when we examine those bulwarks of religious thought we see that they are shaky and as uncertain as the one about the turtles.

One Must take care to distinguish between the pillar of faith and one's interpretation of that pillar.

Joe: That a misrepresentation of my point. Again we are not comparing science to religion.We are dealing with the use atheist ideology has made of science.

PixNo, we are dealing with your straw man version of what atheist ideology has made of science. How come you never quote these atheists saying science is never wrong? Where are the atheists who say nothing in science is uncertain?

the things I deal with they say all the time, greenery knows it, you are just being pedantic

sure or now.

PixWhat is your point? A moment ago you were complaining science is presented as something certain and unshakeable. Now you are complaining that science is quite the reverse, and in fact is open to change when the need arises!

Make your mind up Joe.

The atheist take and the realty

Joe: Remember point about truth?

Pix Of course! You assume your beliefs are "the Truth", and believe that absolutely.

Science sees the truth as something it is working towards.

Haven't I already distinguished between the truth of a faith and ones interrogation of it? That is already part of my working hypothesis.

Joe: That turn of phrase was sarcasm toward those who think atheism = science ad religion = anti science.

PixI understood "bulwarks of modern thought" to mean that you think science is presented as being absolute truth, and that you disagree with that. Perhaps you could clarify if I am wrong.

many atheists think of it that way

Joe: I think most such people would say that mannetid fields are matter

I would hope not! Certainly no scientist would make that mistake. Matter occupies physical space and has rest mass. Magnetic fields do not.

Joe: Many do, at lesat on net

PixOh, right. Many random people on the internet. I guess these are the same people who think magnetic fields are matter.

Not random people but atheists putting down religion

PixPerhaps I should judge Christianity by the creationists who post on CARM...

you sing you don't?

Joe: He may have changed his view but if he's still in the same vain he doesn't really. he a reductionist

PixIt did not sound like he is a reductionist from the article. But I guess you have made up your mind, so why let a little thing like evidence bother you. Just like those creationists on CARM...

Joe: You have never come close to undermining the basis for the studies on mystical experience, That is the basis of supernatural. Materialists changed the meaning of the term to something they could beat up on then declaiared victory.

PixAnd you have never come close to publishing your claims on mystical experiences. Why is that?

yes U have on blog

PixYou cannot claim such studies are rejected out of hand, because we both know Hood published on that subject in the peer-reviewed literature.

they are not interject at all! Hood's research is accepted by the academe and you have no published data disparaging his studies

Joe: We detect interaction between consciousnesses and the natural world all the ti,e.

But not the soul/spirit. Not with anything that we might suppose survives after death.

yes if spirit = conscientious

"But not the soul/spirit. Not with anything that we might suppose survives after death."

begging the question because we don't know that consciousness doesn't survive
Anonymous said…
Joe: that's the way atheists use science

You mean some random guy on the internet?

So what?

Joe: One Must take care to distinguish between the pillar of faith and one's interpretation of that pillar.

But the point is that it is just your faith position. That does not magically make The Truth, it only means it is your opinion that it is The Truth, and you present it as though it actually is The Truth.

You are pretending science presents itself as The Truth, the reality is that it is religion that does that.

Joe: the things I deal with they say all the time, greenery knows it, you are just being pedantic

Another word for "pedantic" is "right".

It is a fact that you cannot quote atheists saying what you pretend they say. Very strange it they do it all the time. I am an atheist; and yet I have gone days without saying it!

Joe: Haven't I already distinguished between the truth of a faith and ones interrogation of it?

It would seem you are claiming Christianity is The Truth, even if people disagree on the details (i.e., the interpretation). So really you are confirming what I said that religion presents itself as absolute Truth, exactly what you are complaining about for science.

Joe: they are not interject at all! Hood's research is accepted by the academe and you have no published data disparaging his studies

Did you read what I said? It was foundered on the fact that Hood has published his studies!

Joe: yes if spirit = conscientious

Well why not say spirit = table, and be done with it? Look tables exist, therefore spirits do. Easy as that, if we play the Humpty Dumpty game, and can pretend a word means whatever we want.

Joe: begging the question because we don't know that consciousness doesn't survive

Not it is not begging the question! We cannot detect anything that we have any reason to suppose survive death. That is an unassailable fact.


Anonymous Anonymous said...
Joe: that's the way atheists use science

You mean some random guy on the internet?

So what?

Its extremely common and you know it. all Christians know what I'm talking about. You don't see it because they are not treating you like shit,

Joe: One Must take care to distinguish between the pillar of faith and one's interpretation of that pillar.

Pix:But the point is that it is just your faith position. That does not magically make The Truth, it only means it is your opinion that it is The Truth, and you present it as though it actually is The Truth.

That is not relevant The same could be said for anyone; a;; we can de is seek what we think is right, But atheists wont allow that, they want to mock and ridicule because they have personal issues with God.

Pix:You are pretending science presents itself as The Truth, the reality is that it is religion that does that.

Be honest you now it's both

Joe: the things I deal with they say all the time, greenery knows it, you are just being pedantic

Pix:Another word for "pedantic" is "right".

No! pedantic does not mean right it means arrogant know it all.

Pix:It is a fact that you cannot quote atheists saying what you pretend they say. Very strange it they do it all the time. I am an atheist; and yet I have gone days without saying it!

Don't waste my time. I've been doing this for 20 years,I've see it thous and s of times I;m not going to waste time digging up more. if you can't accept what I;m telling you them screw you. This is not a gimmick I tell honestly from the bottom of my heart this is one of the things that bothers me the most in life. that you have to play this stupid game to avoid facing the true speaks volumes.Any Christian reading this knows I;m right. You are chidlish dishonest.

Joe: Haven't I already distinguished between the truth of a faith and ones interrogation of it?

Pix:It would seem you are claiming Christianity is The Truth, even if people disagree on the details (i.e., the interpretation). So really you are confirming what I said that religion presents itself as absolute Truth, exactly what you are complaining about for science.

Of course I think my views are right what a stupid game you play. we all think it

Joe: they are not interject at all! Hood's research is accepted by the academe and you have no published data disparaging his studies

Pix:Did you read what I said? It was foundered on the fact that Hood has published his studies!


Joe: yes if spirit = conscientious

Pix:Well why not say spirit = table, and be done with it? Look tables exist, therefore spirits do. Easy as that, if we play the Humpty Dumpty game, and can pretend a word means whatever we want.

what the hell are you talking about? Loo I say spirit is consciousness,we know we have that,so it must exist,

Joe: begging the question because we don't know that consciousness doesn't survive

Pix:Not it is not begging the question! We cannot detect anything that we have any reason to suppose survive death. That is an unassailable fact.

detecting is not the only reason for thinking something exists.we can;t detect dark matter. there were a lot of things science accepted before it detected it. Nirinos for one
you are question begging because you are assertive the position you defend as proof of its own veracity. retrenching into "you can't detect God, soul. whatever\ does not change that fact.

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