From A Christian Humanist, To Those Who Worship Humanity's Light

So HúmanLíght has cóme and góne (or stíll perháps is hére),
to célebráte "compássion, hópe, and reáson" fór the yeár.

The chíldish mÿth and sélf-decéptive fíction hás been húrled,
repláced by gládsome trúth of háppy fúture fór our wórld:

a fúture buílt by peóple whó exíst as fleéting líghts,
snuffed oút at lást and fínallÿ by dúmb amóral níght(s) --

peóple whó in trúth and fáct agaínst that chíldish mÿth
are útterlÿ and ónly máde of... whát the héck is thís?!

"Compássion, hópe and reáson?" Nó. They thréw that "mÿth" awáy.
And yét still wánt to célebráte those thíngs on Chrístmas Dáy,

forgétting theír own teáchings thát they wánt to teách at schoól:
they woúld have dóne much bétter tó keep Ódin ín their Yúle!

A troúblemáking wánderér, whose ónly sácrifíce
reveáls a cóming tríumph óf brutálitÿ and íce

all reáson ánd compássion, hópe and jóy destróyed at lást
and nóthing úp abóve him knóws or cáres of jústice pást.

To strúggle éven hópelesslÿ agaínst that fínal rúle
might bé heróic épic! -- but hópe is fór a foól.

So táke your pleásures whíle you cán, for nóthing bétter cómes,
and buíld your wólfen stréngth by meáns of tríbalístic súms.

Survíval óf the fíttest ís the bío-lógic wár.

...And yét you keép on reáching oút for sómething míssing: MÓRE!

Sómething yoú have thrówn awáy as ónly chíldish dreám,
for sómething thát you clóse your éyes agaínst, insteád of screám,

imáginíng a háppy fúture thát can néver bé,
if whát you reálly thínk is trué is Náture's déstinÿ.

Áll your ówn beháviors áre at bóttom ónly ghósts;
not rátionál or móral, háunting crúmbling creéping coásts.

I únderstánd you wánting tó affírm your soúls yoursélves,
as rátionál and móral:

Creátures móre than náturál, exísting bÿ the gífts
of Reáson ánd Morálitÿ -- which yoú denÿ as mÿths!

Or ráther you dény such thíngs, excépt to táke their pláce,
as thoúgh you "náturallÿ" transcénd the láws of Náture's spáce.

Súch a cóntradíction cánnot bé called rátionál!
You woúld have dóne much bétter tó keep Reáson, ín His stáll,

as the "reáson" for this Seáson, and for évery seáson, toó:
poúring oút His lífe to feéd and sáve both mé and yoú.

A míghty kíngly Pówer fár beyónd the skiés abóve,
and a húmble cáring Shépherd gíving oút Himsélf ín lóve,

sháring ín our líves and deáths; knówing áll our míserÿ;
vólunteéring fór a thróne upón a cúrs'd and paínful treé:

páying fór this neútral fiéld of Náture thát He máde,
where His chíldren cán exíst to pláy or múrder wíth a bláde,

or súffer ínconvéniencés when caúght betweén the sheáth,
and swórd of Náture's pleásures ór the típs of Náture's teéth!

Such a Náture ís impórtant ín which creátures cán be grówn,
but it cánnot bé the fínal trúth and groúnd of ús alóne;

not if wé beliéve in lóve, compássion, jústice, hópe and reáson:
válues whích -- as húmanísts! -- we célebráte this seáson.

And yét -- béing bórn in rísk: whére's the jústice thére?!
Ónly íf we háve a Fáther Whó agreés to sháre

our paín, our fáte, and thén to sháre with ús His fáte as wéll:
to ríse one dáy beyónd our deáths and rend the gates of hell!

You wánt a fínal jústice ín a faír togéthernéss?
Withoút a Lóve as groúnd of Áll you ónly énd in léss!

Nót illúsions of peóple;
nót a compétitive schísm;
not éven a lóne Authóritÿ,
and nót an átheísm:

ónly óne philósophÿ, if trué, can réassúre
that reáson, lóve and jústice wíll in ús one dáy be púre.

In célebráting húman líght, becaúse you hópe you cán,
don't thrów awáy the Reáson Whó
enlíghtens évery mán.

2013 Christmas Eve


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