Just Another E-mail Received by the CADRE

Warning: Profanity Alert.


From: [Random Skeptic]

Subject: Debates!

I have studied arguments for and against for a long time now, And have come to one conclusion.Debates like these go one for ever for one reason,NOBODY really has the whole truth about anything, it's all speculation.You guy's are pretty much full of your selves/sh**!

From: [Chris (Layman)]

Subject: Re: Debates!


Thank you for your note.

I daresay that your last sentence suggests that the sophistication of your "long time" of study was not very high.

As for having the "whole truth about anything," I do not even presume to have the "whole truth" about what I had for breakfast this morning. So I think that criticism is misplaced as applied to me and likely my fellow bloggers.

All the best,

Chris (Layman)

From: [Random Skeptic]

Re: Debates!

Thanks for reproving you're arrogance, typical response from the religious brain dead.The only time I wasted on your web site was when I saw your write up about Acharya S.You said she was WRONG! If you agree nobody has complete truth, then you can't really say ANYBODY is wrong....By the way,do waste your time writing back as I will only delete your name when I see it. If I have learned only one thing from you hollier than thou's it's this,IF YOU'RE GOING TO MATCH WITTS WITH THE WITTLESS BE PREPARED TO LOOSE!


Leslie said…
lol ... that's pretty awesome. I'd say something is loose, alright.
I thought you were pretty loose already. :-P

All the brilliant, well read atheists out there and this one decides to write you? Well, at least it provided some humor.

It seems to be a trend on any kind of web site, if you are going to write fan mail, then you must be at least partially illiterate. ;-)
lol good one Mike.

you guys are so charitable. My answer:

thumbs in ears, waving fingers like mouse antlers, doing raspberry.

I guess I'm ready to write some fan mail!
Anonymous said…

I wonder if this person thinks that people who do think they have the whole truth are wrong? Or is that just speculation? Hmmmm....

I do think its nice you even take the time to answer these though.
Layman said…
A Hermit,

What makes you think you can post unedited profanity on this site is beyond me, even if you say you are quoting it from somewhere else.
Anonymous said…
"What makes you think you can post unedited profanity on this site is beyond me, even if you say you are quoting it from somewhere else."

Funny, no one's ever objected before when I've quoted one of Hinman's comments...;-) I'll blank out the bad words when doing so in the future.

But if you have a problem with the profanity perhaps just editing the offending word, instead of deleting my whole comment, would be enough. My point still stands; I can find plenty of example of Christians (including members of this blog) saying stupid things in emails I've received; but I don't think that would say anything about Christians in general.

So what was the point of this little post?
Layman said…
A Hermit,

Yes, blanking out or editing them is acceptable if reasonable.

I posted this email because it struck me as particularly funny. I didn't expect the reaction I got to my response.

Its also good to remind people that though skeptics and atheists often claim the mantle of reason and dispassionate analysis, that is not necessarily the case.
I wear the mantle of reason and dispassionate analysis with pride. ;-)
Anonymous said…
Layman said...

"I posted this email because it struck me as particularly funny."

And I posted my comment because I thought it was funny to compare that incoherent profanity laden comment I'd just received from a member of this blog to your e-mail example...

"Its also good to remind people that though skeptics and atheists often claim the mantle of reason and dispassionate analysis, that is not necessarily the case."

Fair enough, but then we should allow equal time for my observation that Christian claims of greater civility, patience and reason aren't always necessarily the case either...

All of which might be fun for both of us,; I'm just not sure it serves any constructive purpose...


Mike aka MonolithTMA said

"I wear the mantle of reason and dispassionate analysis with pride. ;-)"

Goes nicely with a Cap of Critical Thinking...;-)
Layman said…

And I posted my comment because I thought it was funny to compare that incoherent profanity laden comment I'd just received from a member of this blog to your e-mail example...

I did not ask you why you posted your comment. I deleted it because of the unedited profanity.

Fair enough, but then we should allow equal time for my observation that Christian claims of greater civility, patience and reason aren't always necessarily the case either...

Why should you have "equal time" on someone else's blog that seeks to promote a different view than yours?

All of which might be fun for both of us,; I'm just not sure it serves any constructive purpose...

Its not up to you to be sure. Its not your site.
Anonymous said…
"Why should you have "equal time" on someone else's blog that seeks to promote a different view than yours?"

Why allow comments if you're afraid of hearing another point of view?

I just thought it was amusing to see a post mocking an incoherent e-mail followed by a comment from a member of this blog who has occasionally sent me similar e-mails, and who had just posted an incoherent, profanity laden reply to me on another blog. The coincidence struck me as funny.

Atheists can have a sense of humour, too...;-)
Layman said…
Why allow comments if you're afraid of hearing another point of view?

Perhaps this can act as another example of an atheist demonstrating poor reasoning. Who suggested anyone on this blog was afraid of hearing another point of view? Have you really seen my actions on this blog and other forums and come to the conclusion I'm afraid of hearing other view points? Far from it. I seek them out.
Anonymous said…
"Who suggested anyone on this blog was afraid of hearing another point of view? Have you really seen my actions on this blog and other forums and come to the conclusion I'm afraid of hearing other view points?"

Well, you deleted my first comment, and then said this:

"Why should you have "equal time" on someone else's blog that seeks to promote a different view than yours?"
So perhaps I got wrong the impression, but I didn't have much else to go on...;-)
Layman said…
Nothing in that comment suggested fear of hearing other ideas. If that is all you had to go on, you made the wrong leap of faith.
Carl said…
Dear "Random Skeptic",

I refuse to have a battle of wits with an unarmed opponent.

Specific Christian

[[The above comment has been close-captioned for the humor-impaired.]]

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