New Archeological Findings Contradict the "Minimialists"

From the Jerusalem Post:

Just-published evidence from a US-directed archeological dig in Jordan further authenticates the Bible's descriptions of the existence of the ancient nation of Edom during the eras of King David and his son, King Solomon.....

The new study, headed by archeology Prof. Thomas Levy of University of California, San Diego, contradicts much contemporary scholarship claiming – on the basis of no physical evidence – that no Edomite state existed before the 8th Century BCE. Until the new discovery, many scholars said the Bible's numerous references to ancient Israel's interactions with Edom could not be valid.

(Via the blog, Biblical Theology).

This discovery does not necessarily confirm David or Solomon's interaction with Edom, but it removes one of the basis for doubting it. Some Scholars used to say such interaction was impossible because there was no Edom at that time. Now it appears there was.


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