Let us heal after the election

I am going to violate the agreement and speak of politics. I think it is in the best interest of the group that I do this. I have a friend, I wont say who he is. He is a Christian, a conservatove republican, he accepts the notion that the election was stolen, he is now ready to be killed by bands of vengeful liberals who he says are demonic communists; he thinks  Biden ,one of the finest men in American politics, is a demonic satanic Hitler. This guy thinks the shooting war i ready to start and liberals are going to come and wipe out his neighborhood.  Nothing even remotely like this is going to happen,

This is insane, those of you who think this way have been brainwashed you are in a cult. you need to deprogram yourself now. I speak the truth. When I think of the drug part of my life the people who did drugs were more rational than you are being right now. Republicans are so used to winning they can't accept losing now.

Liberals have won before and we did NOT wipe anyone out.Carter, Clinton, Obama there were no  purrges. Why would there be now?
The Election has not been stolen, Read about the court cases all the evidence has been rejected by the court because it's bad evidence. The whole idea is based upon a lie, you know Trump lies why believe him now? Even  his own Attorney General said this, Bill Barr said there is no evidence of fraud.

There will be no purge. reject fear.. Pray with me now agree with me in prayer Lord Jesus please pour out your Holy Spirit on America and give us peace and let us feel protected.If there was any wrongdoing in the election, expose it.  in Jesus name,

I have lost so many times in elections by huge land slides they can't stand to lose once it;s unfair, but I'm not gonna attack anyone.It's just politics in Democracy,


BK said…
Wow, when you violate the rules, you go all out. Just a couple of thoughts.

First, your post, of course, has nothing to do with apologetics.

I agree that we need to heal, but it is my feeling that there was no effort to heal while President Trump was in office. The attacks on him were continual and immediate. The current "Time to Heal" is simply the Democrat talking point that says, "Don't do to us the same mean, nasty, ugly things we did to you."

It does not take a cult to see that there were serious problems in this election. Yes, the Trump legal team is losing in court - but last time I checked neither you nor I have ever said, "Well, if the court said it, it must be true." I have heard the sworn statements with my own ears about the fraudulent practices. Why those are not being accepted seems to me to have to do with the arcane nature of evidence in legal proceedings. And in my view, the deeper problem has had to do with something that is unprovable - the fraud that can (and almost certainly is) being perpetrated by not having to show your identification when voting (which is exacerbated by mail-in voting that was used heavily this year).

Having said that, I am certainly satisfied that Biden will win the election, but President Trump has the absolute right to pursue his legal remedies. And once Biden is pronounced the winner through the dismissal of the final court case, Republicans should not do the Democrat thing of saying, "He's not my President" or "I'm part of the resistance." Both were horrible things to do during President Trump's time in office, but I really don't expect to hear any Democrats apologize for that behavior. But accepting that Biden won (despite the fraud) does not mean that I now need to pronounce him one of the finest men in American politics (he's not), or not fight against every ridiculous policy the Democrats will be pushing under his presidency.

But I agree that the anger level is too ramped up. Especially for Christians, we always need to focus on the fact that God is on the throne - not the President of the United States. If Biden wins, he won because it is God's sovereign will that he won (as it was God's sovereign will that Trump won the last time). I agree we need to bring down the temperature, but that does not mean that we conservatives need to become meek little animals who all get in line behind the Democrat lead - especially when it comes to matters of religious freedom and the right to life which Biden has already promised to attack.

Anonymous said…
BK: First, your post, of course, has nothing to do with apologetics.

It has a lot to do with religion. When Joe talks about deprogramming members of a cult, that looks spot on to me. Trump was a bad person, whatever way you cut. He told lies, he treated women like objects, he cared only for himself. He is the antithesis of Jesus. It is hard to imagine anyone less Christ-like!

How can we explain so many Christians voting for him if it is NOT a cult?

Furthermore, as an atheist, I can point to how Trump got into office on the Christian vote as great evidence that Christians just think as they are told to think. A bunch of white male Christians told the people to vote Trump, and the obedienct Christian robots did just what they are told.

BK: It does not take a cult to see that there were serious problems in this election.


But what are those serious problems? Can you put your hand on your heart and say the Republicans were more honest than the Democrats? Have you looked at what the Republicans did? Just because they failed to swing it does not imply they did not try.

And I would suggest the real problem is that votes do not have faith in the system. To the rest of the world, American democracy looks like a joke.

BK: I agree we need to bring down the temperature, but that does not mean that we conservatives need to become meek little animals who all get in line behind the Democrat lead - especially when it comes to matters of religious freedom and the right to life which Biden has already promised to attack.

I am curious what "matters of religious freedom and the right to life" Biden has promised to attack.

Do you honestly think he will try to restrict Christianity in any way? That is laughable, and really only serves to show that you have bought into the Republican lies.

Wow, when you violate the rules, you go all out. Just a couple of thoughts.

First, your post, of course, has nothing to do with apologetics.

I agree that we need to heal, but it is my feeling that there was no effort to heal while President Trump was in office. The attacks on him were continual and immediate. The current "Time to Heal" is simply the Democrat talking point that says, "Don't do to us the same mean, nasty, ugly things we did to you."

you really either don't care about democracy or you think calling him fascist is just a political trick. No he really is a fascist He really wants to destroy democracy. there is a huge basis for that fear and no basis for the things said about Biden none at all..,but you totally miss the point. The fear mongers in your own party have this guy scared to death because they lie about the nature of liberals... we have no massacre planed so far. ;-)

Trump's Own AG admitted there is no evidence of fraud. I had evidence of fraud in 216, suit by Jil Stine had concrete stuff on voting machine not BS like the Trump's but real issued.

the kid was scared to death that is the issue, not politics. He has been lied to to create a climate of fear

It does not take a cult to see that there were serious problems in this election.

where several courts and the Atterney General diagree with you.

Yes, the Trump legal team is losing in court - but last time I checked neither you nor I have ever said, "Well, if the court said it, it must be true." I have heard the sworn statements with my own ears about the fraudulent practices.

I/ve heard then too they have been proven false lt of them were inane. even if true they don't mean we are going to come kill your family

Why those are not being accepted seems to me to have to do with the arcane nature of evidence in legal proceedings. And in my view, the deeper problem has had to do with something that is unprovable - the fraud that can (and almost certainly is) being perpetrated by not having to show your identification when voting (which is exacerbated by mail-in voting that was used heavily this year).

we have to show our id in Texas, that was true in 2016 but you didn't make a big thing of it then,

Having said that, I am certainly satisfied that Biden will win the election, but President Trump has the absolute right to pursue his legal remedies. And once Biden is pronounced the winner through the dismissal of the final court case, Republicans should not do the Democrat thing of saying, "He's not my President" or "I'm part of the resistance." Both were horrible things to do during President Trump's time in office,

but I really don't expect to hear any Democrats apologize for that behavior. But accepting that Biden won (despite the fraud) does not mean that I now need to pronounce him one of the finest men in American politics (he's not), or not fight against every ridiculous policy the Democrats will be pushing under his presidency.

that i squared with my consciousness because you do not understand what Trump was doing you want to believe so badly the church could not be deceived and it was totally

But I agree that the anger level is too ramped up. Especially for Christians, we always need to focus on the fact that God is on the throne - not the President of the United States. If Biden wins, he won because it is God's sovereign will that he won (as it was God's sovereign will that Trump won the last time). I agree we need to bring down the temperature, but that does not mean that we conservatives need to become meek little animals who all get in line behind the Democrat lead - especially when it comes to matters of religious freedom and the right to life which Biden has already promised to attack.

Granted, that's fair enough. I will always stand with the chruch in matters of religious freedom
BK said…
Joe: "you really either don't care about democracy or you think calling him fascist is just a political trick. No he really is a fascist He really wants to destroy democracy." No, I care deeply about Democracy, and I don't agree Trump is a fascist. I have seen no evidence that he wants to destroy democracy. So, yes, I believe that it is political trick. Much like calling him a racist. All histrionics.

Joe: "there is a huge basis for that fear and no basis for the things said about Biden none at all..," Which things? The fact that he was using his influence to rake in tons of cash for his kid? The fact that he is barely there mentally? Both seem pretty apparent to me.

Joe: "we have no massacre planed so far." I know you are jesting when you say that, and I don't expect an actual massacre. I expect continued picking away at free speech, freedom of religion, second amendment rights, the right to life, the free market, and a bunch of other things that I believe are important.

Joe: "Trump's Own AG admitted there is no evidence of fraud." No, what Barr said is "to date, we have not seen fraud on a scale that could have effected a different outcome in the election." That's a huge difference. It does not dismiss all fraud, nor does it even dismiss widespread fraud. What it dismisses is that "to date" the fraud discovered would have changed the course of the election.

Joe: "I had evidence of fraud in 216, suit by Jil Stine had concrete stuff on voting machine not BS like the Trump's but real issued." No, that was even less convincing than what is going on now.

Joe: "the kid was scared to death that is the issue, not politics." Well, yes and no. I agree that the kid should not be scared to death, but I think that the politics of fear (such as calling Trump a fascist to get people scared of him) is not healthy.

Joe: "even if true they don't mean we are going to come kill your family" Of course not. That's silly.

Joe: "we have to show our id in Texas, that was true in 2016 but you didn't make a big thing of it then," That is confusing to me. I believe that all voters should be required to show their ID, so why would I make a big deal of the fact that you were required to show your ID? My problem (and it has been a problem for a long time) is that Republicans want everyone to have to show their IDs, and Democrats want people to be able to vote without IDs. Which do you think is more likely to lead to fraud?

Joe: "that i squared with my consciousness because you do not understand what Trump was doing you want to believe so badly the church could not be deceived and it was totally" We disagree.

Joe: " I will always stand with the chruch in matters of religious freedom." And I will always stand against fascism.

Joe: "you really either don't care about democracy or you think calling him fascist is just a political trick. No he really is a fascist He really wants to destroy democracy." No, I care deeply about Democracy, and I don't agree Trump is a fascist. I have seen no evidence that he wants to destroy democracy. So, yes, I believe that it is political trick. Much like calling him a racist. All histrionics.

that is not how I see it. I think I have tons of evidence. I think you don't want to see it. I know you care that was rhetorical.

Joe: "there is a huge basis for that fear and no basis for the things said about Biden none at all..," Which things? The fact that he was using his influence to rake in tons of cash for his kid? The fact that he is barely there mentally? Both seem pretty apparent to me.

That alone is reason to remove him.50 years ago e would have been taken out by his own party

Joe: "we have no massacre planed so far." I know you are jesting when you say that, and I don't expect an actual massacre. I expect continued picking away at free speech, freedom of religion, second amendment rights, the right to life, the free market, and a bunch of other things that I believe are important.

do you think Covid is a hoax to stop churches meeting? why is or director of nursing dead? The friend who was my respiratory therapist is now in charge of the covid wing at the home. it is no hoax. Other than that what has been done to freedom of religion?

Joe: "Trump's Own AG admitted there is no evidence of fraud." No, what Barr said is "to date, we have not seen fraud on a scale that could have effected a different outcome in the election." That's a huge difference. It does not dismiss all fraud, nor does it even dismiss widespread fraud. What it dismisses is that "to date" the fraud discovered would have changed the course of the election.

you really twist things, you got the words right but they mean one thing no proof. If there was proof he would say there is proof. Every court has said the proof is a joke. if it was a technicality they would say so. All the republicans like in Georgia who validated the election every one of them said the figures were true none of them said there was fraud if there was one of them would say it

Joe: "I had evidence of fraud in 2016, suit by Jil Stine had concrete stuff on voting machine not BS like the Trump's but real issued." No, that was even less convincing than what is going on now.

that is ludicrous, I admit it did not pan out but when you can name a machine no one had named a single machine this time they are all veg here say claims. The real issue in 2016 he did not win the popular vote, He was not the choice of the people. I began saying he is not my President after hearing Republicans say it of Obama, don't forget a prophet told me the election Trump would win, before. the point of the prophesy was this was a bad thing he is not Gods man.

Joe: "the kid was scared to death that is the issue, not politics." Well, yes and no. I agree that the kid should not be scared to death, but I think that the politics of fear (such as calling Trump a fascist to get people scared of him) is not healthy.

Your refusal to accept reality is your mistake, ot does not create facts for you. You can hide from truth but you cannot define my view you are fill of it! Don't tell me how I see things I view it as real.

a person who is not a fascist does not play little games with raciest groups. bright Bart is a fascist source Trump's favorite source.

Joe: "even if true they don't mean we are going to come kill your family" Of course not. That's silly.

Joe: "we have to show our id in Texas, that was true in 2016 but you didn't make a big thing of it then," That is confusing to me. I believe that all voters should be required to show their ID, so why would I make a big deal of the fact that you were required to show your ID?

It has been extremely well established that showing id is a means of excluding minorities. that situation was essentially the same in 2016 but you accept those results

My problem (and it has been a problem for a long time) is that Republicans want everyone to have to show their IDs, and Democrats want people to be able to vote without IDs. Which do you think is more likely to lead to fraud?

It is well proven that voter fraud is a fear of racists to bolster their control there is no fraud. what you do is you established the validity of the id up front the voter role becomes the id.

Joe: "that i squared with my consciousness because you do not understand what Trump was doing you want to believe so badly the church could not be deceived and it was totally" We disagree.


Joe: " I will always stand with the church in matters of religious freedom." And I will always stand against fascism.

when you can see it. I believe that. still brothers. I will go back to apologetics now and the agreement. you can have the last word as a sign of good faith
BK said…
Well, I will respond and then leave it to you if you want to respond further. And I would rather just summarize, but there were a couple of things you said that I think need a specific response.

First, I know the arguments about Trump being a racist and a fascist. They are not convincing unless you want to believe them, and I don't say that simply because I want to bury my head in the sand.

Second, no, I don't think COVID is a hoax to stop church meetings. I didn't say that nor do I think it. But I don't think that shutting down church services is having a significant impact on COVID, and even if it did, Freedom of Religion should allow churches to remain open if they choose to do so. The First Amendment should not bend to governor's dictates even during a health crisis. But that is not the only place where freedom of religion is threatened.

Third, your claim that I "refuse to accept reality" is only impactful if I accept that you have the better view of reality on these points. I don't.

Fourth, requiring ID has not been "well established as a means of excluding minorities." It has been exhaustively repeated that it is a way to exclude minorities, but there is less evidence that that is true than that there was voter fraud this past election. But let's suppose that it is true that in the past it was used to exclude minorities. Does that mean that we should open voting to anyone who shows up and claims to be a voter? There needs to be some solution that allows people to be identified so as to not steal identities or vote multiple times or claim to be eligible when they are not. Some type of ID requirement is essential to establishing that someone is an eligible voter and restoring confidence in the voting system.

Good discussing it with you. We differ, but I always respect you. As I say, you can have the last word even though you said I could. But I agree, let's get back to defending the faith.

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