Stand to Reason has published a list of "talking points" that can be used as a quick reference sheet for answering questions about embryonic stem cell research and why people ought to oppose this procedure. The piece, entitled "Are you against stem cell research and cloning?" give good, concise answers to some of the questions that arise concerning why Christians would oppose this procedure when it supposedly holds such great promise. For example, consider the following from the "talking points": Where do we get human embryonic stem cells? We can only derive human embryonic stem cells by killing a human embryo. Removing its stem cells leaves it with no cells from which to build the organs of its body. What is the embryo? An embryo is a living, whole, human organism (a human being) in the embryonic stage. All the embryo needs to live is a proper environment and adequate nutrition, the very same thing all infants, toddlers, adolescents, and adults need. ...
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Blogger james hobbs said...
Hello, I very much enjoy reading your interesting posts on these deep and interesting subjects to do with God and I hope you continue publishing them and more people come to read and understand,enjoy and become more educated through them, thank you for your time and effort in producing all these very interesting articles.James Hobbs.England.
1/14/2019 03:31:00 AM Delete
Blogger Cricket Tate said...
Ass/u/me. Is what happens when you assume for in most instances you are incorrect. I’m sorry you’re having doubts. Please continue but fishing for compliments is unbecoming.
Thanks James Iapprecoate it!
Crocket, I don't give adman about complements,I asked if anyone was reading the comments are you? why didn't you say?
I want to see other people take part in the comments,even if you agree with Skepie, just to know I'm ot wearing my fingers out for nothing.