Why a Quantum-Mechanical Universe Still Requires a Cause
One of the
recurring points of controversy in Christian-atheist debates these days is the
idea of causality in science. For many centuries Christians were able to affirm
as an accepted premise that if the universe has not existed forever, for example,
then it must have been caused by something external to it. There was no viable
third option. Today that basic disjunctive premise has been presumed falsified
with the advent of quantum mechanics, specifically in arguments to an atheist
cosmology from the quantum notion that particles can "pop into
existence" uncaused.[1]
Of course
quantum mechanics has long been known for its many weird if not seemingly
irrational aspects: indeterminacy, wave-particle duality, entanglement, and so
forth. And it could be said that there would be no history of science without some
deeply counterintuitive realities – or at least, that history would not be
nearly as interesting as it actually is. But the popular interpretation of q.m.
as a scientific confirmation of uncaused physical entities ("virtual
particles") would, if valid, undermine the very meaning and methodology of
science itself.
Now it may
be that virtual particles violate the first law of thermodynamics (conservation
of energy) locally and temporarily,
and from what I understand of all this (very little), such appears to be the
case. If virtual particles are somehow materialized and then annihilated within
the probabilistic constraints of the Heisenberg Uncertainly Principle, then I suppose
neither science logic would have a problem with that. Local and temporary
violations of the second law (increasing entropy) likewise happen all the time.
From what I can tell, however, the atheistic argument from non-causality goes far beyond local and temporary, and proceeds somewhat like this:
From what I can tell, however, the atheistic argument from non-causality goes far beyond local and temporary, and proceeds somewhat like this:
1. Virtual particles come into existence uncaused.
2. Virtual particles are physical objects.
3. Physical objects come into existence uncaused. (from 1 & 2)
4. The observable universe is a physical object.
5. The observable universe has come into existence uncaused. (from 3 & 4) [2]
It seems to
me that the main problem with such an argument, were someone to make it
explicit, is that it suffers from a category mistake resulting from an
undistributed minor term in premise 2. This may explain why the argument is
rarely made explicit (I for one haven't seen it formalized anyway). Physical
objects at the macro level, let alone at the scale of the universe itself, do not
generally appear to be uncaused, even if some teensy-weensy virtual particles do.
A greater
problem here is that permitting certain inexplicably uncaused entities
redefines science. Clearly if we reserve the right to assert that some things just happen without explanation, then at
that point we forfeit the claim that the natural universe is scientifically
explicable. But of course the claim that God
is not scientifically explicable is one of the most common reasons, if not the most common reason, that atheists
cite for rejecting theism in the first place. Evidently some atheists are trying to have their science and eat it, too.
[1] See for example Mark Vuletic,
"Creation Ex Nihilo – without God," Secular Web (1997, 2011), http://infidels.org/library/modern/mark_vuletic/vacuum.html.
[2] Lest I be accused of constructing straw
men, I am not saying that this is definitively "the atheist's
argument." I am merely trying to piece together the logical implications
of the statements I've heard from atheists regarding quantum mechanics and the
origin of the universe.
Christians are welcome to advance evidence that they believe supports the notion that the universe must have been created by an intelligent Creator, but the current scientific consensus is that a Creator is unnecessary to explain the current evidence.
This issue is unsettled. It is best that both sides just admit that, and continue to pursue more evidence.