Is Passing Genes to the Next Generation a Good Basis for Morals or Values?
A couple of days ago,
I received the Humanist newsletter. It links to an article on the American
Humanist Association website entitled “The Humanist Ten Commandments” by the inappropriately named Christian Hagen who is
the communications assistant for the American Humanist Association. Mr. Hagen (for I cannot call him “Christian”)
has decided to propose a new set of commandments (complete with the use of the
archaic “Thou Shalt” at the outset of most of the commandments to give them
gravitas) to take the place of what he apparently views to be those poor,
outdated Judeo-Christian commandments. Why? Well, according to the introduction
to the article,
At a summit of Nobel Peace award winners in Warsaw, Polish Nobel Peace laureate Lech Walesa called for a “secular Ten Commandments,” a guide for universal values that transcend religious beliefs. The response has been a heated debate among secularists about what could constitute such a guide. And while some have criticized the idea for being too dogmatic, others have embraced the notion of a set of rules which might bridge the gap between evangelicals and nonbelievers.
is so much wrong with the idea of creating new commandments to “bridge the gap
between evangelicals and nonbelievers” that I hardly know where to begin
breaking this down. Let’s start with
this: for believers, the Ten Commandments are the Word of God. Neither Jews nor
Christians (except those in the most liberal denominations, i.e., those who
have shown a tendency in the past to disregard the Scripture when it does not
coincide with their secularized understanding of what God seeks) are apt to
believe that they have the freedom to change what God has said. Thus, if the
goal is to get us to seek out our common ground on universal values, working
out these areas of agreement should not
be put into terms of a new “ten commandments.”
and more importantly, I don’t understand how a secularist could believe in
universal values. It seems to me (and the Secularist Ten Commandments back this
up in Commandment number 7) that the secularist who is committed to the world
of matter that can be tested (what Mr. Hagen refers to as “[s]cience, knowledge, observation, and
rational analysis” independent of any supernatural causes) as the sole means of
true knowledge must necessarily conclude that any so-called “universal values”
arose by nothing more than natural selection and cannot truly be universal.
Instead, the secularist must conclude that these values really are simply
pragmatic activities that arose because they best enabled one generation to pass its genes
along to the next generation.
Allow me to give an example. If the goal is to pass along the genes to the next generation, then
the secularist must explain in those terms where traits such as unselfishness
or altruism come from. They do try. Thus, the “kin selection theory” posits
that altruism arose as a means of indirectly passing one’s genes on to the next
generation. According to an article on entitled “Where does good come from?”:
[The kin selection theory] says that an organism trying to pass its genes down to future generations can do so indirectly, by helping a relative to survive and procreate. Your brother, for example, shares roughly half your genes. And so, by the dispassionate logic of evolution, helping him produce offspring is half as good for you as producing your own. Thus, acting altruistically towards someone with whom you share genetic material does not really constitute self-sacrifice: It’s just a different way of promoting your own genes.
Humanist Commandment number 2 notes, “Thou shalt be curious, for asking questions
is the only way to find answers.” So, I believe it is appropriate to ask the
underlying question: why should we conclude that simply because the act results
in passing along one’s genetic material to another generation that the act is
necessarily a good thing that we ought to promote? After all, I can think of
several ways to pass along genetic material to the next generation that would
not be considered consistent with what most people would believe to be moral,
in line with “universal values” or even remotely acceptable. One could
consider, as examples, father-daughter incest or rape (both of which violate Humanist
Commandment number 3). After all, both result in the genetic material being
passed along, but neither is considered good or moral by secularists or virtually anyone else. So, it
cannot be the case that simply because the act achieves the goal of passing
along genes to the next generation that it makes the act a good.
A secularist could respond that the passing along of genetic material is not the absolute
measure for determining value. Rather, there are other competing values that
limit the number of ways that acts which pass along genetic material can be
considered good. For example, we know that incest leads to genetic issues.
Thus, one could argue that passing along genetic material in a manner that is
likely to result in genetic problems cannot be considered an act to value.
Rape violates another principle that we ought not hurt
other people in our group (Humanist Commandment number 3) which is considered a
value because we need to be cohesive as a society and not hurting others in our
society is the best means of the society going forward and, hence, passing the
inhabitants’ collective genes along to the next generation.
of these seem okay on the surface until other questions are asked, such as "Why
does the one value supersede the other?" Looking at the passing along of
genetic material through incest, is it necessarily true that not passing along
defective genetic material is a good that we ought to be promoting? It is
certainly true that genetic defects are more readily passed along when the individuals are related. Yet, if we are really concerned with passing
along genetic material that is free from defects, why do we not oppose people
with Learning Disabilities marrying and having children? After all, some learning disabilities are hereditary, so if our sense of morality or universal values are based on whether non-defective genes are passed along to the next generation
then we should feel the same value revulsion from reproduction through people
with learning disabilities as we do with incest. But we not only reject the
notion that a person with a learning disability should not marry, we promote marriage
and pro-creation by individuals with disabilities. See, e.g., Personal and Sexual
Relationships for people with Learning Disabilities: A guide for parents and carers. How can that be if morality or values are
based on the risk of passing genetic defects?
far as the case of rape, let me start by saying that I totally agree that rape
is wrong and repugnant. In making the point in this paragraph, I am not
advocating that rape is good or that the rapist should not be punished.
However, history has shown that societies can and do survive if the women in
the society are treated as little more than baby-producers. Rape, while
degrading and likely harmful to the woman, is an effective way for the
stronger males to pass along their genetic material to the next generation.
Yet, the secularist who believes that values such as altruism and care for
others arose from the desire to pass along genetic material has not explained
why the promotion of care for others in the group (such as women, and thus opposing rape) should
be more important than preventing rape if both arise as an evolutionary means
of passing along genetic material. Why does the first supersede the second from a purely evolutionary standpoint?
secularist may argue that our views of the acceptability of both rape and incest have changed over time showing
the evolutionary nature of the process. I certainly agree that time has changed
the rules about incest and how women are treated. But simply saying that it occurred
is not the equivalent of showing why
it occurred. Saying that we know secular-based evolution of the views of incest and rape have occurred
because the rules have changed is a clear example of begging the question. As a
Christian, I have a basis for explaining the changes in the way we treat both incest and
rape and a reason for saying that these changes are good. I am not sure that the
secularist has either. Certainly, the reason that they put forth (passing along
genetic material) seems to not have sufficient explanatory power to answer
the questions that I have posed throughout this post.
welcome someone to explain this to me in the comments.