Should we trade fine tuning for POE?
Alexander Pruss Philosopher at Baylor on October 8, 2012 10:40 AM | the prosblogian a philosophy of religion blog Admits we can't have a valid piror on theitsic arguements but we can have non numerical reasoning from comparing stength of evidence. For instance, we might have the judgment that the evidential strength of the Problem of Evil (POE) as an argument against theism is no greater than the evidential strength of the Finetuning Argument (FTA) as an argument for theism. Two thoughts in support of this: (1) the low-entropy initial state of the our universe has been estimated by Penrose to be utterly incredibly unlikely (my paraphrase of his 10^(-10^123)) and some of the other anthropic coincidences come with what are intuitively extremely narrow ranges; the theist has proposed various theodicies--they may not be convincing, but it seems reasonable to ...